Week 64: Progress in San Juanino

San Juan


It’s been a successful week! Elder Aguilar and I are having a lot of progress with our investigators! They still aren’t coming to church, but we’ve been finding and teaching a ton of investigators. Right now we have a pool of probably about 50 investigators. A lot who probably won’t progress but also a lot with potential to be baptized! We are working hard! It was a fast week!

Like the last week, we had some days of extreme success and a few days where the appointments just kept falling through. The good thing is, we didn’t let that discourage us too much. We were able to endure and see some success.

This week I did an intercambios with Elder McCausland, el gallo. It was amazing! The best intercambios I’ve had in the mission. He came to my area and we had like 6 lessons that day. It was super successful and we both learned a lot. He’s a district leader in the other area now.

My eardrum burst last week so a bunch of crap kept coming out of my ear, and I couldnt hear anything for a few days. Walter, probably my best friend from the ward took some medical classes so he fixed my ear. And now its back to normal 🙂

Besides all of that , nothing new happened. Just 2 elders trying to support a San Juanino ward.

Oh and Lauty came to church yesterday!!!

Elder Skonnard

Week 63: Finding Success through the Lord

San Juan

MY WEEK! What a rollercoaster this week! Monday was pretty interesting. We had a special transfer and our trio was split up. Now its just me and Elder Aguilar here in this ward! It has been a fun week!

It was pretty interesting, every other day was a switch between incredible success and complete failure! haha. It was a spiritual whirlwind. We started off the week on a good note, we found some new investigators and where able to teach a lot of progressing investigators. One family, The Pereiras, are a less active family who have a boy whose not baptized. He understands like an adult everything. We had a spiritual lesson of the restoration and showed them the video of Joseph Smith’s vision. I think it impacted them. However, they didn’t make it to church this Sunday…

For the next few days we struggled. It was hard for us to find any success whatsoever. We couldn’t teach hardly anyone throughout the whole day. At the end of Friday we were begging to the Lord for a turn around.

Saturday was probably one of the busiest, and most successful days of my mission. We taught so many lessons! Appointment after appointment. It was such a turn around. It showed me when we humble ourselves, the Lord blesses us immensely.

Then Sunday was mothers day, no investigators came. They celebrate Mother’s Day big here in Argentina. It made me think of my mom, who has helped me grow as a person so much. I owe everything I am to my mom! Love you Mom!

That was the week! love you all!

Elder Skonnard

Week 62: A Few Highlights

San Juan

Well I just realized I’m low on time, but I’m going to tell you the two highlights!

We are teaching the little brothers of our mission leader who aren’t members! They are twins and are going to be baptized on the 28th of October! They are 14 and are awesome, they came to church last sunday and are excited! That was the good part of the week!

Now the sad part. We had an investigator named Maycol, he was progressing a ton. We were actually planning for his baptism this saturday. But suddenly, he has to move to the south for the army and he leaves saturday morning! What a terrible coincidence! We were obviously super sad but hopefully the missionaries over there take care of him!

Other than that we had a pretty normal week. Seba, our mission leader basically came with us every day! He misses the mission a little bit haha. Super fun!

Today were going to spend a few hours at the San Juan river!

Love you all and have an amazing week!

Week 61: General Conference!

San Juan

This week!

We had transfers on Monday, Elder Bigley is now my comp and now were in a trio with Elder Aguilar. He arrived in the afternoon and its been a pretty fun week together! We’ve had a ton to do figuring out which investigators to focus on since the area combined with another area. But its been fun and hard work! The sad part is that we didn’t have like any set appointments with our investigators so it was basically contacting them the whole week and we ended up only being able to teach like 4 or 5 lessons.

The highlights of this week were the general conference and the “district” meeting we had. It was basically a zone meeting because everyone from the zone was at that meeting, (besides Jachal). It was great, we got to know each other from the new people who arrived and were all super energized to get working! I have a ton of hope for our zone this month! We should achieve wonderful things!

We only had a few lessons this week, a few with some new investigators we found. The others with some investigators who have stopped progressing a little bit. We taught the third lesson but they were distracted with the kids, it was hard for the spirit to be present. We weren’t able to help them very much but luckily they said they would come to the conference.

The conference was amazing! We almost kept the tradition with the doughnuts but since there arent any here, we bought churros instead. It made me feel super sick because of all the oil it has greased on to it, but it was so worth it! My favorite talk was obviously from Elder Callister. Picture me sitting in my chair shaking uncontrolably from excitement. That was me during that talk. The book of mormon is the best, I love that book! I learned of the importance of reading it every day and of following the prophet’s inspiring council. We can’t take a revelatory prophet like President Monson for granted! We just can’t! We have to listen to him!

None of the investigators we are teaching came, but the awesome members brought their friends and 3 new people got to get to know the church and watch the conference. We made plans with them after. The members are a huge help!

Love you all and miss you so much! Have an amazing week!

Elder Skonnard