Week 1!


Hey guys! I’m alive and well. I’m having so much fun here. The first few days were kinda overwhelming, but now I’m getting the hang of it. Sometimes it’s hard for us to focus, but that’s what everyone says happens the first week. But the past few days we’ve made different strategies to help us focus. We’re not used to studying for 12 hours a day haha. My companion is Elder Johnson and he’s awesome. I’m just going to say what I did every day this week


When I arrived at the MTC Elder Mcquiston brought me through all of the rooms to get all my materials and stuff. He brought me to my room after but everyone was gone since I was like the last drop off time. So I when through the orientation and I still couldn’t find my companions. So I just ate lunch with some people that are going to Indonesia who were pretty sweet. I just pretended I was going there with them. After that I went to my room and waited for my companion to show up. Later that day we had a class/conference thing with investigators. It was pretty cool. Towards the end of the day our Zone Leaders gave us a tour around the MTC. I love our zone everyone is so funny.


I woke up pretty early and wasn’t used to it. I shower every chance I get because it feels so refreshing after wearing church clothes all day. We went to class and started learning some spanish. Our teacher is super nice, she went to spain on her mission. At this point I can pray in spanish and testify of the gospel. Later we had a conference thing with a guy who taught us to love the people and not to judge people by their appearance. It was very inspiring. After we did more studying in a cycle. Our zone leaders told us if we ever have free time we need to be in the class studying. So basically our class is our house and are dorms are just where we sleep and we’re not supposed to study there. After we met with the Branch President which took forever. Pretty much all we do is eat and study.


Was the longest day of the MTC so far. We learned spanish, study habits, and studied the gospel. I like it a lot but it’s long it feels like I’ve been here for 3 years instead of 3 days. My district is ELder Johnson, hamblin, adams, morris, peterson, mortenson, and freeman. They are a fun group. Some of them get on my nerves sometimes but i just learn to love them no matter what. After lunch we played kingdom spikeball for exercise with the celestial, telestial, terestial, and outer darkness. Elder Johnson and I made it to the Celestial Kingdom. After we had our Cycle, preparing for our first investigator. His name is Gianko, and he was really tired during our lesson so he wasn’t really paying attention. We were both kind of clueless on the spanish though and it was pretty tough. We just tried to rely on the spirit as much as we could. We also got escorted out of the MTC in a cop car today. Enough said.


Today was a lot better and went by a lot faster. I think it was because we were starting to get better at focusing. We made some good study plans and habits as a companionship which helped. For our service I had to clean a poop bomb on the bathroom floor which was so gross hahaha. We played soccer for exercise which was really fun. I look forward to exercise time everyday it’s a nice break from everything. Then we had an evening class with our teacher which was very good. The spanish is slowly coming along.


Today was my first Sunday in the MTC! It was a very spiritual day. It was fast sunday so we woke up and studied for a little bit then went to MTC conference. I was super tired so I almost fell asleep. The whole MTC was there. It’s so spiritual when everyone sings. After we had sacrament which was very spiritual because everyone was bearing their testimonies in spanish. (I can understand pretty well now) After we had our temple walk, and in the evening a devotional with Brother Holland who is the president at UVU (not the apostle) It was about Joseph Smith and it was insane. It was like the new Star Wars movie. It was so spiritual and grew my testimony so much.


Monday we taught Gianko for our third time and we’re really progressing with him. We are also getting a lot better at teaching and understanding/talking to him. Other then that we didn’t really do anything interesting besides studying and eating all day. OH, and I got the package and letters on Monday! The food is really nice to have because we don’t have any food throughout the day besides our meals! So thanks so much!

Well that was my week. Sorry if I didn’t explain it that well I’m not as good as Michelle haha. But I’m doing better and better each day and having more and more fun. I’ve been blessed with a good group of Elders, so it’s nice to start off with that. If you are ever wondering what I’m doing I’m probably studying. And I see my friends all the time it’s so awesome. I hope everyone is doing well I love and miss you all. Week 1 down!

Also… Elder Johnson and I got escorted by the police off of MTC campus on Saturday. I don’t want to talk about what happened…haha ok…It was nothing Elder Johnson’s fingerprints got rejected so we had to go to the police station to get him re fingerprinted.


One thought on “Week 1!

  1. Awesome to read about your full week! Justin and Kellen ( our Grandsons) on their missions tried to be the Best Companions they could be!! Sounds like you got riight to work learining Lanquage. You will be an awesome missionary and Our Heavenly Father loves you and will be with you and bless you always. Take care of yourself and your companion! We love you! Love Luke and DeAnn Smith


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